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How to choose and buy a header for a tractor in Ukraine

Buying a quality tractor harvester is an important step to increase the productivity of agricultural work in Ukraine. However, choosing the right header for your tractor can be difficult, given various factors such as size, crop type, tractor horsepower, and more. In this article, we will look at the key factors to consider when choosing a header for a tractor in Ukraine.

Header dimensions and type

The first factor to consider when choosing a header for a tractor is its dimensions. Headers of various sizes are available on the Ukrainian market, and the choice depends on the size of the field to be harvested. Headers of various widths and lengths are available on the market, from 3 to 12 meters wide and from 1.5 to 9 meters in length. In our catalog you will find various models both by model and by manufacturer.

header type

The next factor to consider when choosing a header for a tractor is the type of crop to be harvested. Headers vary by crop type, such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, sugar beets, etc. Each header type has its own characteristics and the choice must be made based on the type of crop to be harvested.

Tractor power

How to determine tractor power

The choice of header for the tractor also depends on the power of the tractor. When choosing a header, the power of the tractor must be taken into account so that the header can operate at maximum productivity. Tractor power is usually quoted in horsepower (hp) or kilowatts (kW). To determine the power of the tractor, you can refer to the tractor manufacturer's documentation or find this information on the plate on the tractor.

How to choose a harvester depending on the power of the tractor

Depending on the power of the tractor, you need to choose a header of the appropriate power. For tractors with low horsepower (up to 80 hp), it is better to choose smaller headers to ensure their optimal performance. For tractors from 80 to 120 hp it is advisable to choose medium-sized headers (from 4 to 6 meters wide). For tractors over 120 hp you can choose headers of larger sizes (more than 6 meters wide).

Header performance

When choosing a header for a tractor, you also need to consider its performance. Higher capacity headers can deliver faster harvesting speeds, which in turn improves work efficiency.

Header quality

The quality of the header is also an important factor when choosing. Higher quality headers can provide longer life and lower maintenance costs.

header price

The price of the harvester is also an important factor when choosing. Higher quality headers may cost more, but investing in a quality header can pay off in the future due to its long life and higher productivity.

Buy a harvester for a tractor in Ukraine

Harvesters for tractors can be bought in our online store specializing in the sale of agricultural machinery. Available spare parts from various manufacturers. We can offer the best options for headers depending on your needs.


  1. How do I determine the correct header size for my tractor?
  2. The dimensions of the header must match the power of your tractor. Smaller headers are best for low power tractors, medium headers for medium power tractors, and larger headers for high power tractors.
  3. How to choose a header for harvesting a particular crop?
  4. Different types of headers can be used to harvest different crops. For example, for harvesting wheat, it is better to use headers with a width of up to 4 meters, and for harvesting corn - headers with a width of more than 6 meters.
  5. How to maintain and maintain the header?
  6. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep the header in good condition, including checking and replacing defective parts, cleaning and lubricating moving parts. It is also necessary to monitor the correct operation of the header while working in the field.
  7. How to choose a harvester with a good price/quality ratio?
  8. To select a header with a good price / quality ratio, it is recommended to contact trusted manufacturers, compare the characteristics and reviews of other users, and seek advice from professionals in this field.
  9. Can I buy a header for a tractor on credit?
  10. Yes, many stores and dealers offer the possibility of purchasing headers on credit, so before buying it is worth clarifying this possibility and familiarizing yourself with the terms of credit.

Choosing a header for a tractor is an important step to increase the productivity of agricultural work in Ukraine. Factors to consider when selecting a header include header size and type, tractor power, header performance and quality, and price. Buying a quality header can be an investment in the future and guarantee more efficient work in the field.